About Us

Wyoming County Schools
PO Box 69
155 Park Street
Pineville, WV 24874
Phone: 304-732-6262
Fax: 304-732-7226
Our Mission
Wyoming County Schools will provide a high quality, comprehensive education that ensures all students are college and career ready and prepared to become contributing citizens of the 21st Century Society.
Our Vision
The Vision of Wyoming County Schools is to maintain "an efficient and effective system where employees have all needed resources and children are HAPPY while they are learning".
Mission Statement
Wyoming County Schools will provide a high quality, comprehensive education that ensures all students are college and career ready and prepared to become contributing citizens of the 21st Century Society.
Our Core Beliefs
We Believe...
Students deserve equal access to a high quality education.
Education is a shared responsibility. Achievement requires the commitment and participation of staff, students, family, and community.
Given time and opportunity, ALL students can learn.
In a climate of high expectations by ALL for ALL.
Everyone exhibits growth in a safe, vibrant, healthful, enriching, and respectful environment.
A pre-kindergarten through twelve continuum of instruction and support services, as well as a variety of extracurricular activities, nurtures each child to reach his/her potential.
Strong instructional leadership and accountability by ALL is necessary for success.
Students require guidance and direction to be successful learners and to grow socially, emotionally, and physically.
Diversity of individuals, ideas, talents, and learning styles should be embraced.
Lifelong learning improves the quality of life.
Zero Tolerance
Wyoming County Schools will have Zero Tolerance for the following:
Bullying of any kind
Harassment of any kind
Possession of a dangerous weapon
Drugs or drug paraphernalia
Vapor products are considered drug paraphernalia by the Wyoming County Board of Education
Tobacco or tobacco products including vape pens/electronic cigarettes
Violence or threats of violence
Behavior that compromises school safety
Physical fight
Insubordination (direct defiance)
Misuse of technology resources
Gang related activity
While there are other types and levels of misconduct and disruption of the learning process, Zero Tolerance issues will not be tolerated at all.
Violations of Zero Tolerance issues are subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
Please report any Zero Tolerance issues, immediately, to any school personnel.
Wyoming County Schools strives to create a learning environment where ALL students can achieve success and feel safe.
Wyoming County Schools will have Zero Tolerance for the following:
Bullying of any kind
Harassment of any kind
Possession of a dangerous weapon
Drugs or drug paraphernalia
Vapor products are considered drug paraphernalia by the Wyoming County Board of Education
Tobacco or tobacco products including vape pens/electronic cigarettes
Violence or threats of violence
Behavior that compromises school safety
Physical fight
Insubordination (direct defiance)
Misuse of technology resources
Gang related activity
While there are other types and levels of misconduct and disruption of the learning process, Zero Tolerance issues will not be tolerated at all.
Violations of Zero Tolerance issues are subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
Please report any Zero Tolerance issues, immediately, to any school personnel.
Wyoming County Schools strives to create a learning environment where ALL students can achieve success and feel safe.