The information below shares school weather closure procedures for 2022.
WyCo Schools will utilize one of the options granted by the WVDE, when a County-wide weather closure is necessary.
Option 1
School-based employees stay home.
Central Office employees report on 3 hour delay, unless otherwise directed by the Superintendent.
Other essential staff may be asked report to work, if absolutely necessary, under direction of the Principal, Director, or Superintendent.
Students stay home.
There will be no instruction for students. This is an OLD-STYLE SNOW DAY, or day out of school.
Option 2
Non-Traditional Instructional Day (NTID)
ALL staff will report on a 3 Hour Delay, unless otherwise directed by the Superintendent.
Students stay home, but will be expected to complete assignments in Weather Packets, which have been provided to every student at every school.
Teachers will be available to assist students, as needed, during the hours of 11:00-3:00.
Our plan is to utilize OLD-STYLE SNOW DAYS (5) first, then NTID days (5), if needed
Calendar changes:
We are able to use 5 OLD-STYLE SNOW DAYS and 5 NTID days (10 total days) before we would be required to make up any days at the end of the year. If we must use more than 10 days, total, we would be required to make up any days, beyond those 10.
WyCo Schools is committed to the safety of our students and staff!

Weather Procedures
January 6, 2022